Okay, first off, I'm sorry. I went MIA for the last 2 months and I know that's no way to maintain a relationship. It's me, not you.
Actually, it's kinda me but also kinda the whole day job so a girl can eat that's at fault. How else am I supposed to give my puppy girl the life she so deserves if I'm not killing myself working 60-80hrs a week? No, but really, I do apologize for just leaving y'all in the lurch as I hustled quietly behind the scenes.
Let me catch you up on the happenings!
June 28th - my debut single dropped and y'all showed me so much love! You streamed, you ordered merch, you sent me screenshots of you listening to my song, and you send such amazing encouragement. This song was born in a time when Ijust needed a bop sing while doing dishes and remind myself that God is still and always will be so good.
July 4th weekend - my amazing friend Chris drive down to Nashville with me so I could work on some new music for y'all and it was amazing! I was blessed to do a cowriting session with the one, the only, the extremely tall and ridiculously kind Coby James. A huge thank you to John Chisum of Nashville Christian Songwriters for coordinating it and allowing us to use his breathtaking Berry Hill studio.
Mid-July - I had another photoshoot for the new single. Those who know me know how much I enjoyed that (that was dripping with sarcasm for those who haven't gotten to know me yet). But, the accomplished and perceptive Sam Dechamplain did it again! The more we get to know one another the better she does about teasing out things that make me comfortable and seeing me in a light I didn't know was ecen possible. Thank you for your amazing skill and your sense of humor. You bless me!
August - for those who don't know, I am a higher education prpfessional who has worked the last 19-20 years at colleges and universities around the country. August is a month that feels like it goes by in a week. Between prepping for student staff training, hosting training, prepping for welcome week events, ordering supplies, booking vendors, and trying to clean the chaos in my office from the summer, there is just no time. Perfect timing to prepare to launch song #2, huh? Yeah, I know. I'm a glutton for punishment.
TODAY - I'm starting to share everything you need to get ready for my next song to drop!
You all have outdone yourselves with the streaming numbers on my first song but it's more than just the numbers. I genuinely pray that the song comes to mind when you need it. When you're sad and need a pick me up. When you're feeling the nearness of the Most High and you just need to praise Him. When He is feeling distant and you want to proclaim the truth of His love for you. Or when you need a three and a half minute dance party.
The future - I'll be back in the studio next month to wrap up some more music for you. I'm excited to reunite with Gregatron and Phoebe Scott as well as some time with Coby James. NCS has been foundational in their support and development and I cannot WAIT to be back in their studio.
What do you need to do?
Be blessed by L.O.Y.L.
Presave You're the One and get ready for the awesome!
Share both songs with friends, family, work friends, acquaintances, your dentist, the church media team that plays the welcome music, request it from your local radio station, etc.
Consider purchasing some merch!
Like and follow my social accounts! I'm just about everywhere now.
Thanks again for being my extended family. Have an amazing week and get ready for more big things as we wind down 2024!